
Herculean tasks, Sisyphean tasks, what else have ya got?

The whole thing started on the Midwest Dev Chat Slack, when someone posted a screenshot from their work Slack that read:

The fact that we only have "Herculean task" and "Sisyphean task" feels so limiting. So here's a few more tasks for your repertoire:

From those first screenshots it took off, with the wits on Midwest Dev Chat adding more:

I liked these an awful lot, and I thought the smart folks on the Rands Leadership Slack would, too, so I posted them there, referencing the original MWDC posts. While I was already wishing I could take credit for the first batch, the Rands folks just went bananapants with the idea. This is the brilliance of those folks, not me, and all accolades are due them. Only one of these is my own original thought. The rest come from the minds of smarter, more creative (and apparently better read) people...

So there you go, there they are in all their glory, with a few small minor edits. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

I did leave a few off the list here if they duplicated others, if I am not smart enough to understand the reference, or if I just flat missed one. Forgive me.

Artwork: "Sisyphus" by Jeffrey Hummel

Contributors (who wished to be identified) include Blaise Vignon, Caleb Huitt, Steven Harrison and Michael Van Nieuwenhoven. Thank you all, smart and funny people!

If you submitted any of these and would like to be credited, please let me know via a Github Issue. Or if you know my email address, just shoot me an email. That's fine, too. Be sure to tell me how you would like to be credited.
